There Was Plenty Left Out Of The Batman v Superman Trailer


Batman v Superman director Zack Snyder claims you haven’t seen everything the movie has to offer in the latest trailer

The latest Batman v Superman trailer did look pretty cool, but it also seemed to reveal every major beat in the film.

Here’s the trailer as a refresher. Obviously if you want to avoid spoilers for Batman v Superman, don’t watch the video:

But Batman v Superman director Zack Snyder claims there is plenty you haven’t seen:

"I have the benefit of seeing the movie. It’s cool that they think it’s too much and I appreciate people not wanting to know, but there’s plenty that they don’t know. There’s a lot of movie that’s not in the trailer."

I mean, of course he is right in at least one aspect. The movie is reportedly 151 minutes, there’s plenty of this movie we haven’t seen. But what if we’ve seen the most important story bits? Or is there a lot more actual plot that isn’t being shown? That is the really important question and one we really won’t get answered of course until the movie is out.

Next: Is Themyscira In Batman v Superman?

Another thing that was criticized in the latest Batman v Superman trailer was Jesse Eisenberg’s performance as Lex Luthor, which seemed like he was almost in a different movie altogether. Snyder promises that much like the film itself, there is a lot more to this Lex Luthor:

"In the trailer, of course he comes across in a very specific way. In the movie, he’s like a million times more sophisticated than what you get in 30 seconds. But that’s also the fun of it. That’s why you go to the movies, so you can actually see the context and understand the depth."

It’s good that Snyder is saying there is more to the film than what we’ve seen, but you’d also expect him to do that. And as far as Eisenberg’s performance, if he’s “more sophiscated” than what we saw, it should at least have been hinted at in the trailer, and it’s not frankly. So let’s hope we don’t just cringe every time Eisenberg is on screen. Batman v Superman opens March 25th.

h/t We’ve Got This Covered