Check out the opening minutes of Batman: Bad Blood
Batman: Bad Blood isn’t out until February 2nd on physical formats, but you can buy it digitally right now. Need a bit of a teaser? How about the first 5 minutes!
The opening of Batman: Bad Blood is pretty much set up to introduce Batwoman, who fights like Batman, but is more than willing to use firearms, and the driving purpose of he movie, Batman is missing and possibly dead (but of course he’s not dead). Check it out below:
The new enemy set up in the opening is pretty intriguing. I also like Batwoman calling the various villains in the opening “c-listers”, that’s a very meta-reference. It does seem like she should know better than to think a warehouse explosion could kill Batman, though.
And while not in the opening credits, another Bat-family member is introduced on the animated movie front-BATGIRL!
This is not just Batgirl, but the recently soft-rebooted Batgirl of Burnside. She doesn’t appear until the end of the movie, and doesn’t say anything, but hopefully she’ll get a bigger focus down the line. Dare we even hope for a solo Batgirl movie? That’d be pretty cool.
Next: Dick Grayson Isn't Fooling Damien In New Batman: Bad Blood Clip
Batman: Bad Blood is available for purchase digitally right now, but if you’d rather wait for a physical copy or just want to rent it, you’ll have to wait until Februrary 2nd when it releases for rent digitally and on blu-ray and DVD. Expect a review from Caped Crusades the week of the physical release. Have you already seen Batman: Bad Blood? Let us know what you thought in the comments!