Batman v Superman Footage From Dawn Of Justice League Online

Check out the Batman v Superman footage from the Dawn Of The Justice League Special!

Did you miss The Dawn Of The Justice League special? It’s ok, I won’t judge you, Maybe you had other things to do that night. Maybe you were catching the season premiere of Agent Carter (a great show, I’m actually watching that as I type this up). I mean hey, you can catch the important stuff online later, right?

Well, in addition to the first official Suicide Squad trailer and the first footage of the upcoming Wonder Woman movie, the Dawn Of The Justice League special did have some new Batman v Superman footage for us as well. The segment features comic book superfan and occasional movie director Kevin Smith talking about Batman v Superman with DC Comics Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns as well as Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck and Jesse Eisenberg talking about their respective characters. Watch the segment below:

Next: New Suicide Squad Trailer

As you can see there’s a little new footage, and more direct implication that Lex Luthor is directly manipulating the conflict between the world’s two biggest superheroes. That being said, this segment seems to be more preaching to the choir. If you were lukewarm on Batman v Superman up til now, this really doesn’t do a lot to change your mind. I’m leaning towards cautiously optimistic at this point, but it doesn’t change the fact that I’m looking more forward to both Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman than Batman v Superman at this point. Hoepfully I’ll be pleasantly surprised come March 25th when it opens in theaters.
