Batsignal From Batman v Superman On Sale Through Ebay

Own a piece of Batman v Superman!

Batman v Superman isn’t out in theaters for about 7 more weeks, but you can own a very big piece of it right now!

The Batsignal that was used in Batman v Superman is for sale by the owner on Ebay. To be clear, the Batsignal was actually a modified WWII searchlight military army Jeep, and it was returned to the owner minus the modifications, which he explains in the auction description:

"The WWII General Electric searchlight was leased to the movie production company at the Michigan Motion Picture Studios in Pontiac, Michigan in the summer of 2014. I have full documentation on this light being used on set for the movie. After production, the searchlight was returned without the “bat logo” which I replaced with an exact duplicate. The large knife switch seen sparking in the trailer was added for dramatic effect, and is not part of the searchlight."

So how much does this seller want for this historic piece of movie history from Batman v Superman? Just a measly $65,000. Sounds like a job for a billionaire!

Next: Batman Gets A Barbie Doll

In all seriousness, even though it would be cool to own a movie prop, obviously there are far less cheaper options if you just want a Batsignal. I honestly think if you have a Batsignal built on your property it might be cheaper. If you must own a piece of DC movie history, you might want to at least wait until Batman v Superman comes out, because if it tanks, no one will care that you spent an insane amount of money on a prop from it.
