Gotham: Strange Has A Chat With Penguin

See a conversation between two legendary Batman villains in this clip from Gotham’s Winter premiere!

Gotham’s mid-season premiere is getting closer and closer. It’ll be here before we know it, really it will. But we know we need just a taste of what’s coming to help tide you over until the season resumes, so how about a clip featuring B.D. Wong as Hugo Strange and Robin Lord Taylor as Penguin?

This clip is from the mid-season premiere episode of Gotham, “Mr. Freeze”. So while Mr. Freeze will obviously be the focus of the episode, it doesn’t mean other villains will be ignored. In this clip we see after the events on Gotham’s mid-season finale, Penguin has wound up in Arkham, where Dr. Hugo Strange has taken charge. He has a talk with Penguin about his current mental status, which given that Penguin is not only in Arkham but all that he’s previously gone through, seems pretty reasonable:

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While it may be shocking to see Penguin in Arkham, it isn’t all that surprising. Gordon probably pulled some strings to get him in Arkham rather than actual jail, as of course Gordon is the one who killed Galavan, but Penguin took the rap for it. In this clip, Strange seems like a caring doctor, but this is Hugo Strange we are talking about, he probably sees Penguin as someone who can help him achieve his twisted goals (and we have already been told that he is in fact the one running the Indian Hill facility). How will it all fit together? Watch Gotham when it returns February 29th on Fox to find out!
