Jesse Eisenberg asks comic book fans to pick a side in Batman v Superman
Batman v Superman is out in 28 days, and of course who would win is a very hot debate (not really, but go with me here). Henry Cavill already asked kids what they thought, but what do comic book fans think?
In the video below, as part of promoting the Ultimate Batman v Superman Experience, which is a great way to not only win a fantastic prize but help charity, Jesse Eisenberg stopped by Midtown Comics to ask customers who will win, Batman or Superman (or Lex Luthor)?
This video might be a little more entertaining than the one with the children, as Jesse Eisenberg is trying to get people to say he’ll win and they want to hang out with them, which should be easy, he’s a celebrity right? But he utterly fails. Watch the video below:
Next: Batman v Superman: Jesse Eisenberg Talks Expectations
The Ultimate Batman v Superman Experience is just simply a great opportunity to help some great causes and win a truly fantastic prize. Henry Cavill and Jesse Esienberg have done separate videos promoting their charity of choice, so odds are we will see a similar video from Ben Affleck promoting his cause as well fairly soon. You only have 17 days left to enter the contest so do it soon so you’ll have a chance to see the movie, fly with Henry Cavill, drive the Batmobile with Ben Affleck and photobomb the red carpet with Jesse Eisenberg! Batman v Superman opens in theaters March 25th.