Batman v Superman stars Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck & Jesse Eisenberg mock each other for the Ultimate Batman v Superman Experience
The Ultimate Batman v Superman Experience is a great charity drive that offers a great prize. Not only does your money go to three very noteworthy causes, but you get a chance at a prize most DC fans would die for. Not only do you get to go to the premiere of Batman v Superman, but you get to hang out with the stars of the movie. And not just hang out with them. You don’t just get to meet Ben Affleck, you get to RIDE IN THE BATMOBILE WITH BEN AFFLECK. You don’t just get to shake Henry Cavill’s hand, YOU GET TO FLY IN A HELICOPTER WITH HENRY CAVILL. You don’t just walk the red carpet with Jesse Eisenberg, YOU GET TO PHOTOBOMB THE RED CARPET WITH JESSE EISENBERG. That’s all included in one big grand prize. Clearly the event of a lifetime for any DC fan.
And the stars of Batman v Superman are doing their part to help. By relentlessly mocking each other. In the video below, Affleck, Cavill and Eisenberg all playfully insult each other, but it’s all in good fun and all for charity:
Next: Batman v Superman First Movie In 4DX
Ok, Cavill has a point that Batman is one of the few heroes that even needs a vehicle, but seriously how does no one figure out Superman’s secret identity? Seriously though, it’s a very fun video, and these guys all look like they’d be a blast to hang out with, so go enter the Ultimate Batman v Superman challenge for a chance at that while you still can, as time is running out. Batman v Superman opens in theaters March 25th.