Will Batman v Superman kick off a comic book civil war? Zack Snyder gives his thoughts on the differences of comic giants DC and Marvel
Two heroes with opposing views go to war. This is literally the tagline of two of the biggest movies of 2016 (and one TV show!). It applies to both Batman v Superman, out in just 15 days, and Captain America: Civil War, out in May. While these two films aren’t exactly going to head, it definitely has some arguing about which is better, DC or Marvel? Zack Snyder, director of Batman v Superman and he upcoming Justice League: Part One weighed in on the differences between the two companies:
"I’m a comic book fan, so it’s a hard thing for me. I have a great interest in the movies that they’re making, and I have nothing bad to say about those movies. But I will say that Warner allow for these amazingly open movies that allow a giant audience. But they’re very careful, they age the movies with the people that are watching them very carefully, in a very interesting and thought out way, but they’re also very filmmaker driven. You can’t imagine those films being made by these very strong filmmakers without a sense of respect and kindness. They say, ‘We hired you to go and make something cool, so show us what that is.’ I don’t know what the Marvel process is. They have their own way of doing things. But I know what happens at Warner, and I feel like the great work that they’ve done here has been based on that philosophy. That will end up being the thing maybe for me which is most rewarding as a filmmaker. They allowed for this unexpected journey for the film, because I was just allowed to make it cool."
Next: Batman v Superman: You Can't Blow Up A City & Just Move On
There’s merit to both sides of this, though I certainly think Zack Snyder favors the Warner Bros. method. Yes, not shackling the creative vision of a director is important, but I think it’s also important you don’t betray what those characters are. I mean, what if Zack Snyder wanted to make Superman a hermit who just hid in a cave for 3 hours? But on the other hand, is Zack Snyder’s vision isn’t what fans are looking for, he’s not Joss Whedon or Kevin Feige, there are other directors who have their own visions of what these movies should be and fans might respond differently to that. I don’t really think either approach is wrong per say, and a good comic fan should just enjoy this plethora of movies we are getting right now. Although definitely feel free to call them garbage if that’s what they are.
h/t Comicbook.com