Uncanny Avengers #8 Review: Standoff Part 8


The Uncanny Avengers try to remember who they are in a entirely unimpressive chapter of Avengers Standoff.

Uncanny Avengers #8
Written by Gerry Duggan
Art by Ryan Stegman, Mark Morales and Dave Meikis
Colored by Richard Isanove
Published by Marvel Comics

Last time in Uncanny Avengers: The Avengers Unity Squad discover something odd is happening in the town of Pleasant Hill and with Maria Hill in tow, head there to investigate. Once they arrive they come into conflict with the All-New All-Different Avengers and then seemingly vanish after an encounter with Kobik.

So far I have to say I have been less than impressed with the All-New All-Different and Uncanny chapters of Avengers Standoff. While New Avengers and Captain America: Sam Wilson were decent enough reads, the two “core” titles in the crossover have been a real letdown.

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At least All-New All-Different Avengers #7 had some nice character interaction that helped make the book enjoyable despite the fact the rest of the issue, including the first meeting between the two Avengers squads, was a general bore.

Unfortunately, the same can’t be said about Uncanny Avengers #8.

To put it really simply, this issue was just awful. Big time.

Uncanny Avengers #8 basically follows Rogue as she goes about reawakening the various members of both teams, who have been brainwashed into thinking they are residents of a sleepy little town by Kobik the cosmic cube.

Now if you are thinking “That can’t be the whole issue, can it? Something else has to happen, right?” you would be very wrong.

The big problem is that while this could make for an interesting premise, even though it has been done a ton of times before over the years, Duggan misses the mark completely. Instead of using this as an opportunity to get into the psyches of the various Avengers or maybe look at how they feel about one another, he goes for cheap jokes. About Rogue setting Johnny Storm on fire to make him remember being the Human Torch. About how Deadpool feels about Connecticut. About Cable needing to find his missing arm.

Yeah, I didn’t think it was funny either.

And what issue of Uncanny Avengers would be complete without someone complaining (again) about Deadpool being an Avenger?

Even the art by Ryan Stegman is bland and boring. We get to read 20 pages of watching the Avengers wander around town. Except for Rogue beating up Ms. Marvel, its panel after panel of walking.

Yep. Walking.


Related Story: All-New All-Different Avengers #7 Review: Standoff Part 4

The Bottom Line: Uncanny Avengers #8 is a sad, sad excuse for a comic book. Unless you are a serious completist and need to have each and every chapter of Avengers Standoff, just page though the issue at the comic shop, put it back on the shelf and don’t look back.

Seriously? Walking?