Preview: Civil War II #1 From Marvel Comics


This summer, Marvel kicks off its biggest event since Secret Wars with Civil War II and we have your first look at issue #1.

When the title of the third Captain America film was revealed to be Captain America: Civil War, it was pretty much a given that Marvel would try to tie the comics into the movie in some capacity. The question became not if, but just how would they do it.

I think a sequel to the original miniseries was not at the top of anyone’s list.

The original Civil War was hugely popular and set the course for the Marvel Universe for the next decade, influencing almost every title and character Marvel publishes. The miniseries itself was also incredibly well done, with both Mark Millar and Steve McNiven at the top of their respective games.

So how do you create a sequel to something like Civil War yet try to not make it seem like a nothing more than a cash grab to tie into the movie?

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This June, we’ll start to find out.

Starting with a prologue on Free Comic Book Day and #0 issue in May, the double-sized Civil War II #1 will hit comic shops on June 1, 2016. Written by Brian Michael Bendis with art by David Marquez, it looks like it will use the original as inspiration while telling a story all its own.

From the Marvel press release:

"Ulysses – a young Inhuman with the power to profile the future has emerged. His new abilities send shockwaves through the superhuman community. Divided amongst themselves, will they use Ulysses to prevent danger before it happens? Or should they allow the future to unfold unaltered? As his new powers send shockwaves rippling across the Marvel Universe – battle lines will be drawn. Do you stand with Iron Man? Or will you side with Captain Marvel?"

Civil War II will also feature a cover by Marko Djurdjevic and a truck load of variant covers by a who’s who of talented artists, including Michael Cho, Terry Dodson, Phil Noto, Chris Sprouse, Manuel Garcia, McNiven and Marquez.