Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD had provided yet another entertaining twist to its lexicon. And man, is this going to be fun.
In this week’s episode, “The Team,” it was revealed that one of the Inhumans had been infected by Hive. In a classic whodunit fashion, the Inhumans turn on each other, and, as Mack says, everyone looks suspicious if you stare long enough. The show led us to believe it was Lincoln, who would fit perfectly, but it turned out to be Daisy.
“She is creepy as hell,” I uttered to the husband as Daisy gave Lincoln a crazy-eyed grin. Chloe Bennet has done a fantastic job in growing with her character and showing us all of the tiny minutiae of Skye. I mean, for the first half of that ending scene with Lincoln, I thought she was just attempting to see if Lincoln really was the infected one. The way her face rose and fell as Lincoln spoke could have been read either way, and I was in such firm belief that he was the turned one that I read it all the wrong way.
I have ragged on Lincoln pretty much since his character premiered in Agents of SHIELD. I know I’m not the only one who wouldn’t be upset if he had been the Hive agent or if he decided to sacrifice himself. But that scene with Daisy made me empathize with him. You could see how hurt he was that she used his anger problem against him. You can see how betrayed he feels, and it works for his character development that he actually
How dark will Daisy go? That’s a good question. That closing scene of her completely destroying SHIELD’s HQ speaks measures of Hive’s influence. Daisy started Agents of SHIELD as a lost soul, found a new home and a place to belong in SHIELD, transformed again, and found SHIELD to be able to work in conjunction with her new family in the Inhumans. To see her destroy what has essentially been her home for three years without a second thought shows Hive’s control.
She could go super dark, and I would be along for the ride. It worked for Grant Ward’s character! Watching Daisy get a taste for evil (even if it’s not by her own doing) would let Chloe Bennet have a lot of fun with the character. And if she is rescued, how will Daisy cope after getting a taste of “freedom”?
It also puts an even creepier spin on the Skye/Ward relationship. Especially when you realize that Hive has all of Ward’s memories. Part of me wonders if that isn’t half the reason he picked Daisy in the first place. Being Hive’s right hand man would create a dynamic we haven’t seen since season one between these two characters. Remember–the last time Daisy saw Ward, she shot him. Multiple times.
Having these two be the big bad that SHIELD has to face is, honestly, messed up. Our SHIELD compatriots have to face off against two of their own. At least none of them like Grant Ward and they understand that Daisy can’t control what she’s doing.
The question then becomes whether Hive dies at the end of the season. What would make it even more interesting is if Hive sticks around and if Daisy stays under his control. It’s something this show has yet to do, have an overarching villain transcend seasons (aside from Hydra, because those guys are always around). And you have to wonder how much longer they can keep Brett Dalton around without dragging it out. #NoWardRedemptionArc
The possibilities that Agents of SHIELD has for these last few episodes . Let’s just hope they don’t squander their opportunities.