Suicide Squad: Katana & Soul Taker

Suicide Squad actress Karen Fukuhara gives details about her character Katana and her mystical sword, Soul Taker

Not all the members of the Suicide Squad are bad guys. Suicide Squad will be the introduction of a lot of DC characters not only to the big screen, but to a much larger audience. I think people generally know characters like Killer Croc, Harley Quinn and even Captain Boomerang (thanks to his appearing on an Arrow/Flash crossover, even if it was a different actor). But some of the characters are pretty obscure to all but hardcore comic book fans. One of those more obscure characters is Katana, who is being played by actress Karen Fukuhara in Suicide Squad (though she also made a recent appearance on Arrow with a different actress).

Katana is one of the good guys. She is under the employ of Amanda Waller and Rick Flag and very loyal to the both of them. She doesn’t really have any powers, but is an exceptional martial artist and her mystical sword, Soul Taker, is not surprisingly known for its ability to trap souls within its blade.

In the video below from this year’s CinemaCon, Karen Fukuhara talks about the different aspects of her character, doing almost all of her own stunts, and how much like everyone else, she didn’t really meet Jared Leto on set, as he was in character as the Joker the entire time:

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The whole talk about being fiercely loyal and protective makes me think Katana is a pretty likely candidate to not survive Suicide Squad. Which is a shame because while I don’t think the character could carry her own movie, there’s a lot of places you could go with her, so I hope I’m wrong. We’ll find out when Suicide Squad opens in theaters August 5th.
