What Will A Batman Solo Movie Look Like?

A look at where a Batman solo film can go in the DCEU

With the recent news of a Batman solo film headed our way within the next couple of years, fans are beginning to wonder what could the plot be?   There has been much speculation about who could, and could not be featured in the film. Even with the large assortment of characters the Batman universe has to offer original content within a Batman film is starting to become impossible. With that in mind here are three of the best plots and time lines the film could be set within.

Many of Batman’s best villains have already been taken and Affleck’s Batman has been prematurely aged. This combination together has to potential to make for another disappointing movie. This could easily be fixed by making the Batman solo film a prequel to Batman vs. Superman. Robin is one thing that almost all ideas I have heard for the Batman movies have in common, one way or another he needs to be in the film. As to whether it is the original Robin or one of the later versions who can say ,but his character is to important in the Batman universe to leave out entirely. As to the villain? I have always thought one of the most under rated villains in the comics was Black Mask.  For those that do not remember Black Mask his character originated in the 1985 Batman comics. He is a corrupt businessman and crime lord who has a thing for masks. The certain mask he prefers makes him appear as a human skull and gives him the ability to control the weak minded. This would offer the perfect villain for a Batman plot in which he is not only fighting but also doing the detective work to find and take down yet another criminal organization.

The second best plot line in my opinion would be to again, decide to go with a prequel and focus on Batman’s early days. This would allow them to not only set up for future films but to explore an origin story for Robin, as well as countless villains.  We could see the origins and first fight with any number of villains. Focusing the plot on Batman’s early years, as well as Robin’s beginnings would be something new. Not only would it be a new plot but it would offer a setup for any number of future villains or spin offs.  The only caveat with this proposed plot is if an older Affleck could pull off a much younger Bruce Wayne?

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If they decide that Ben Affleck cannot pull off a younger Bruce Wayne and the film is set after the Justice League what could the plot be?   Batman’s later years feature very few stories of interest that have not be covered in film in one way or another. With the exception of one story line that filmmakers have shied away from and that is the story of Jason Todd. We now have a joker within the film-verse that will make his debut in the Suicide Squad. The film could begin with establishing a young Todd and then covering his death and subsequent resurrection. This would offer the opportunity for another classic struggle between Batman and the Joker. At the same time it would not be a repeat of  The Dark Knight or the first Batman film. The plot would quickly switch from the struggle between Batman and the Joker to Bruce Wayne dealing with the loss of Jason Todd. They could then focus on the Red Hood plot and his war on those he thinks have wronged him.  While this story line may be one of the darkest, in a rather dark comic series. It is also the strongest most memorable story that needs to be told on the big screen.