Scott Snyder reflects on the end of his epic run on Batman
Scott Snyder & Greg Capullo’s extraordinary efforts on the main Batman title come to a close today with Batman #51. Scott Snyder is going to continue doing work on Batman stories with John Romita Jr. on the upcoming All-Star Batman and Snyder and Greg Capullo do plan to work together again in the future, but it is definitely the end of an era.
Batman #51 is of course about Batman, but it is also about the city he protects, Gotham, and how closely he is linked to that troubled city. Scott Snyder reflected on what he thinks the city of Gotham represents in an interview with CBR:
"Gotham is them. It’s them, as readers. That’s what we were trying to say in the issue. As much as Gotham is this fictional place, it’s powered by all of the people that love Batman and read “Batman” and love the mythos.Growing up in New York, the funny thing that you realize is that the city is the city at the moment that you live in it with the people that you live in it with. And then you all move, or you die, it changes, and it’s new stores and new people. You might come back to visit, or you might move out of your neighborhood, but it existed because you guys were together at that moment in that place.And Gotham is us. It’s me and Greg and that fanbase all at the same moment, feeling the same way about Batman. Trying new ideas, trying to make him modern, trying to make him be a hero for right now and face things that we are afraid of right now, as opposed to 10 years ago, 20 years ago, 30 years ago, or even 10 years from now. It’s all of us, together."
Next: Scott Snyder Has More Batman Stories To Tell
Be sure to read the rest of the interview over at CBR, where both Scott Snyder & Greg Capullo talk about how Batman is linked to Gotham, tease a future Court Of Owls storyline, why on Earth anyone would live in Gotham, and much more. Greg Capullo is working with Mark Millar on a super secret project that hasn’t been revealed yet, but as I mentioned earlier, Scott Snyder is working on Batman stories for the forseeable future with All-Star Batman, and has said he has plenty of Batman stories he wants to tell. Batman #51 is available now.