The Ultimates #6 Review


In The Ultimates #6, Galactus goes head to head with Lord Chaos and Master Order and gets humbled by one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe.

The Ultimates #6
Written by Al Ewing
Illustrated by Christian Ward
Colored by Christian Ward
Published by Marvel Comics

The only word can describe issue six of The Ultimates and that word is sensational. What author Al Ewing has done with some of the most forward thinkers in the Marvel Universe is incredible and the new direction he has taken with Galactus is remarkable. Illustrator Christian Ward inks phenomenal art, making the reader not only feel the emotions seeping through the pages but also making them feel like they’re a part of the story.

The issue starts off with Galactus bringing the Ultimates back from outside of space and time where the lifebringer saved the team from the brink of death. Galactus brings the Ultimates back to the Alpha Flight Space Station and goes on his way. Now that Galactus is no longer the eater of worlds, it was hilarious to watch some of Alpha Flight’s reaction to the new look Galactus.

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After Galactus leaves Alpha Flight, he wrestles himself in his mind about a secret that could virtually tear the universe apart. He also contemplates if he should vent his secret to anybody but decides that keeping the secret close to his heart is the right thing to do. While Galactus was lost in his thoughts, he stumbled into his “Big Brothers,” Lord Chaos and Master Order.

Chaos and Order have differencing views but want to achieve the same common goal; revert Galactus back into his eater of worlds form. However, in his new state, Galactus easily handles his former superiors and warns them to never confront him again. After boasting and feeling like he’s the greatest entity in the universe, he is quickly humbled by the one person that could erase him from existence: Owen Reece, the Molecule Man .

Reece, who has the power to change molecules in the blink of an eye, riddles Galactus and lets him go on his way. It’s insane that as swiftly that Galactus took out of Chaos and Order, he’s humbled just as quickly by his conversation with the Molecule Man.

This issue is a very heavy issue, the decision to have issue six focus on the direction of Galactus and not the Ultimates was a welcome change. Ewing continues to raise the bar higher every issue of this series and it seems like he has no plans on slowing down.

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The Bottom line: The Ultimates is one of the premier books of the All-New All-Different Marvel that every comic book reader should be reading. Ewing continuously pushes this team of characters farther than they have been pushed before. With so many elements surrounding the unit, it’s only going to get better.

It’s welcomed to see a team trying to handle and focus on timeline jumps and how it effects the universe overall. It’s also a refreshing feeling to see the all-new Galactus, he’ll eventually return back to his purple form because that’s how comic books are but seeing him use his powers for good is extremely dope.

Moving forward, the Ultimates will probably split because of the views during Civil War II and that will be an interesting aspect to look for in the future.