First Images Of Gerard Way’s Doom Patrol


On Tuesday Gerard Way posted the first images from his new Doom Patrol title featuring Robotman and new character Casey Brinke.

I think I speak for a multitude of fans when I say it has been much too long since we last saw the Doom Patrol.

Last seen regularly in Keith Giffen and Matt Clark’s short-lived series from 2009 and not even really a part of the New 52, the comic landscape has been that much bleaker without the strangest heroes of all time as a part of it.

Now the Doom Patrol is back as part of Gerard Way’s new DC imprint Young Animals and the title looks to be returning to the off-kilter, slightly weird style of storytelling that so many of us fell in love with in the first place.

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Way will be writing the series and will be joined by artist Nick Derington on the title, which will be launching sometime in September.

And that was pretty much all everyone knew about the book.

Until Tuesday that is.

On his website, Way finally revealed some art and character designs for the new Doom Patrol, including an all-new character that will be joining the team.

First up is everyone’s favorite Robotman, Cliff Steele.

Here’s what Way had to say about the art:

"“This is the first image Nick created for fun, and we (myself and the editorial team) were so moved by it that I knew we needed to start working together immediately. There is something about Cliff sitting there and looking off, thinking to himself, that captures some of the energy we were going for. I’m also a sucker for Cliff’s costume from Grant Morrison and Richard Case’s run.”"

Next was the first image of Casey Brinke, a new addition to the Patrol.

"“My first stab at DOOM PATROL involved a very cynical character that I didn’t feel like writing anymore—the whole take was fun but it wasn’t what I had in mind years later. Casey Brinke is who I want to write—as you mature, you change as a person and as a writer. The ambulance from the original pitch remains, though. Nick and I spent a bit of time creating her and Nick spent a lot of time drawing her—shaping her—so that when the writer starts scripting, the artist can start to hear the character’s voice, and then the character develops even more once the artist brings them to life on the page.”"

I don’t know about anyone else, but just seeing Cliff in his classic Grant Morrison outfit sent a huge chill down my spine.

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It has been years since anyone has been able to do the Doom Patrol justice. After the abomination that was the John Byrne run and the failure of Giffen’s version to catch on with readers, I had all but given up hope.

But suddenly and quite unexpectedly, I am quite excited for the return of the Doom Patrol.