Detective Comics #934 Preview

A look at next week’s Detective Comics #934!

With Rebirth, like many reboots/line-wide events, pretty much every comic is starting over with a new #1 issue. But two of DC’s comics are going to be exempt from that rule, instead returning to their original numbering as a way of recognizing their legacy as two of the longest-running comics of all time. Action Comics and Detective Comics. Detective Comics didn’t start out as a Batman title, but is where he was introduced and has mostly focused on Batman since that time.

Post-Rebirth, Detective Comics features Batman, but it’s also a team book, with Batman working with Batwoman, Red Robin, Spoiler, Cassandra Cain who is now called “Orphan” and most surprisingly Clayface, who apparently is reformed now. We have a preview of Detective Comics #934, due out next week, where it seems like someone is trying to impersonate old Bats and doing a pretty convincing job of it to sometimes ally Azrael, who the impostor beats the holy hell out of, check out the preview below:

Next: Rebirth Getting A Third Printing

Somebody trying to impersonate Batman? Well, that’s not going to last long, but Azrael is no pushover, so he’ll be at least a bit of a challenge. Also, it just seems weird that Cassandra Cain’s new hero name is “Orphan”. Batman is an orphan, so are like most of the Robins. You’d think he wouldn’t want to give someone a name that would constantly remind him of that. But obviously the most intriguing aspect of Detective Comics is Clayface. Why is he reformed and suddenly an ally of Batman? It certainly sounds like an interesting angle to explore and I certainly like the Batman as a mentor idea better than Batman as a crazy loner idea. Detective Comics #934 will be available next Wednesday June 8th.

h/t AV Club