We may see a new Justice League movie before we see Return To Arkham
Remasters should be an easy thing, right? You just boost the graphics, maybe fix a few flaws in the original if you have time and/or budget, and hey a second revenue opportunity for an old game. I mean nearly every big title from the previous generation has gotten a remaster or is getting one soon, so it’s no surprise that a collection of Rocksteady’s Arkham: Batman games was being bundled into one collection for current consoles called Return To Arkham. What was a big surprise is that Return To Arkham was indefinitely delayed mere weeks before it’s scheduled release of July 26th.
But how long could a delay of a remaster possibly take? Months, apparently. Gaming website Eurogamer is citing multiple sources claiming that Return To Arkham might come out at the earliest November, and if it can’t make that month, it’ll be pushed to next year.
So what’s the issue? Apparently developer Virtuous Games, who is handling the remaster for Return to Arkham is having some huge issues with among other things, the framerate for the title. Eurogamer reached out to Warner Bros. for comment, but it was pretty much what they previously said. Return to Arkham has been delayed in order to give the developer more time to work on the title and they don’t have a new release date yet.
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I cannot recall a remaster ever running into this much trouble. I don’t pretend to have the slightest idea how much hard work goes into any game, be it a remaster or something original, but WB Interactive in general just seems to have a pretty terrible history lately, with serious problems on at least one version of all their latest games. We’ll of course report on any further developments on Return To Arkham and a release date if we ever get one.