There’s Many Versions Of Suicide Squad….


Suicide Squad director David Ayer says there’s quite a few different cuts of the film

Suicide Squad is out in theaters, and director David Ayer claims that whatever the final product in theaters is, that’s his vision for the film. Maybe it’s true, maybe he’s just towing the company line, but he also revealed in a recent interview that there were many different cuts of Suicide Squad before the version that actually arrived in theaters:

"There’s a linear version we did where it opens up with June [Moon, played by Cara Delevigne] in the cave and tells the story in sequence with the arrests and Batman, and then we go to Belle Reve. The first script started in Belle Reve and told the backstories of everybody in these sort of flashback montages. The original conception is that there would be these memory bursts as they sat in their cells recalling their previous lives and also get the audience up to speed about who they are and how they ended up there. The first impulse was always to do a montage in the first act, but you chase different things.(Test audiences were) a little disoriented as to who to watch and why. So we came up with what we call the dossier version, which has Amanda [Waller, played by Viola Davis] presenting the backstories and origins of the various members."

Next: No R-Rated Cut Of Suicide Squad

There may be no R-rated cut of Suicide Squad, but with reportedly 6 or 7 different versions, I have to believe some of them will be released at some point. Suicide Squad, despite the reviews, already seems to have a dedicated fanbase. You know, the kind you can sell 8 different cuts of a movie to over time… One of the many versions of Suicide Squad is in theaters now.
