Batman v Superman: Geoff Johns discusses Martha Scene

Geoff Johns defends the “Martha” scene in Batman v Superman

Batman v Superman was a movie that had a lot of controversial re-actions to the story and plot itself. Outside of Lex Luthor’s ridiculously long plan no scene has been more heavily criticized then a scene involving Martha Wayne/Kent.   The criticism has come from the name Martha being uttered and changing Superman and Batman from trying to kill each other to people who are suddenly allies and friends. Geoff Johns had this to say of the scene.

"They both have a deep connection to their parents, whether their parents are alive or dead. And that one word ‘Martha’ I think is a really cool connection. They share that, and they obviously share a lot. Because even despite their differences, at the root of it all, they are allies and friends."

John’s explanation makes sense. However the idea that one word can turn Batman into his would be killer into his friend and ally still felt like a bit of a stretch. No doubt the film had some awesome moments, but it had its share of plot holes as well.

This scene from Batman v Suerman was perhaps the biggest as Superman refers to his mother by her first name in what feels like a forced name drop to stop the fight fans had been waiting for all movie. The quick and sudden resolution was not given quite the attention it deserved. While the explanation in theory makes sense it seems as though it would take more then a name drop of Martha from Superman to change Batman’s mind.

Next: Kevin Conroy Has A Problem With Batman v Superman

After spending a extended time talking about how large of a threat Superman was in Batman v Superman and spending an equal amount of time preparing to subdue him the resolution felt a bit forced. The one scene however is easily overlookable. The important thing for DC fans to remember is this finally the Justice League film series that many of us have been waiting to see hit the big screen for many years.