Green Lanterns (2016) #7 Review

“Family Dinner”! The rookie Green Lanterns try to reconcile some of their differences when Simon Baz makes a terrifying offer to Jessica by inviting her over for dinner with his family. Can the two survive this with the mysterious Guardian tracking the duo?

Green Lanterns (2016) #7

Written by: Sam Humphries

Art by: Ronan Cliquet

Letters: Dave Sharpe

Published by: DC Comics

The Green Lanterns (Jessica Cruz & Simon Baz) have saved the world from the Red Lanterns for now. Through their quest of saving the world, Cruz found the emotional strength to form constructs with her ring. Baz discovered the courage he needed to overcome his foes. The Green Lanterns of Sector 2814 have their biggest task at hand—impressing Baz’s mother.

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Writer Sam Humphries (Star-Lord, Sacrifice, Higher Earth) who is an amazing author. He wrote alongside artist Ronan Cliquet (The Black Bat, Marvel Adventures Superheroes, Green Hornet) crafted a fantastic issue. This issue in the Green Lanterns series that reflects on past events while setting up new ones.

“Family Matters Part One: Kitchen Nightmares,” is the title of the issue. The story begins with Jessica Cruz facing herself in the mirror. Cruz is telling herself that she should not be a Green Lantern. Jessica Cruz is a person who suffers from terrible anxiety. She believes she should have been the last person her power ring chose to become a hero of Earth.

Cruz reassures herself that she is a Lantern because she has defeated evil in the world. She aided in the defeat of the Red Lanterns, helped protect the world from a universal terror (Justice League), and rescued her sister from the pounding rage that was controlling her body.

Because of Cruz’s mini pep talk to herself, she feels that she is ready to handle the chaos that is Baz’s family.

Humphries has done an excellent job of creating Jessica Cruz into the everyday hero people can relate to. Cruz’s anxiety is a key element in why fans can relate to her.

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Humphries has made Cruz the ideal Lantern because, at the end of the day, she is just an ordinary person who deals with everyday problems.

The second part of the problem is Baz and Cruz trying to perfect Baz’s mother’s world-renowned Ma’amoul, a Lebanese dessert.

While trying to make the Ma’amoul, Baz describes that he has always failed his mother’s expectations for him. Although he comes off as a tough guy, at the end of the day, he desperately wants approval from his mother.

While the Lanterns are partaking in the making of this beautiful dish, their guest is still in meditation. Rami, the disgraced Guardian, has found refuge in the home of the Baz family.

Rami states that he’s here on Earth for the Lanterns’ protection, and he’s also here for meditation—to sense the troubles coming to Earth in the future. Cruz is not too thrilled about it while Baz accepts the deference role he has to commit to with this elder.

Cliquet knows how to draw amazing artwork. The sequence of Rami meditating and Baz’s nephew messing with him was incredible. Furthermore, the illustrations on the page were so detailed that it almost looked like it was real life.

Humphries has teased the role that Rami will be playing in the Lantern series. Hopefully, he becomes an integral part of a mentor or something of that nature.

The last part of the issue begins with the arrival of Baz’s mother. Baz greets her in his Green Lantern costume and explains to her what he does for a living. In response, his mother does not agree with his methods, but is proud of the man he’s become.

The issue ends with Rami abruptly flying out of the house screaming that it is too late, the Earth is doomed and that the Dominators are coming.

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Humphries knows how to end on a cliffhanger. In addition, Green Lanterns #7 put closure to the beginning arc. However, readers witnessed a side of Baz that they were not accustomed to seeing. Humphries set up the next arc and have readers wondering, who are the Dominators?

The Bottom Line: Green Lanterns has been one of the better books to come out of DC Comics “Rebirth,” series. Not only has Humphries crafted a dramatic narrative, but the multiple artists on this series have been phenomenal.

This set of Green Lantern books has hit the ground running since #1 and shows no signs of slowing down. One aspect that readers should look out for is the return of the Red Lanterns. And an interesting point to note will be how the Lanterns story ties into the overall atmosphere of the DC universe.