The CW’s DC TV crossover event concludes tonight with DC’s Legends of Tomorrow’s “Invasion” episode.
The CW’s DC TV crossover had an amazing conclusion in tonight’s DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. There were plenty of homages, references, and character arcs. In the end, a new alliance was solidified with a clever way for Supergirl to revisit Earth-1 whenever she pleases.
Legendary Recap
In the Hall of Justice hangar (yes, might as well call it that), the team look for a way to learn about the Dominators’ goals. Nate recommends going to their first invasion in 1951 Redmond, Oregon. He brings along Cisco (whose going because he’s still angry at Barry), Felicity, Amaya, and Mick to carry out the mission. Meanwhile, the President wants to meet the team. Kara wants to go as backup, but Oliver doesn’t trust her and is wary of an alien.
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Stepping into the Waverider, Felicity and Cisco geek out over all the amazing tech. When they arrive in 1951, Mick, Nate, and Amaya capture a Dominator for questioning. However, they’re soon tranquilized by men in black—led by a glasses-wearing man of which we’ll call Glasses Man—brought to a facility, and imprisoned with a Dominator. The heroes see it as an opportunity to question it. They soon learn the purpose of their invasion.
Since Cisco and Felicity were left behind, the two mount a rescue mission. As the team is about to escape, Cisco decides to save the Dominator—to prove that they’re not like them. Freeing the alien, they also fix his ship, but Cisco keeps a small souvenier—a Dominator transponder.
Back in 2016, Caitlin brings in Martin’s daughter, Lily, to assist him. He learns that she’s well-qualified to help, but acts distant because he sees her as an “abberration.” After defeating the Dominators, he plans to restore the timeline and “fix” this.
The greeting party for the President finds out that it’s an ambush by the men in black. Their leader is the same man, Glasses Man (now older), who led the group that captured the team in 1951. The team fights back when the men in black attempt to take them into custody. Glasses Man reveals that in 1951, the government struck a truce with the Dominators. Because Barry used his powers to travel back in time, that truce was broken. They want Barry to surrender himself to the Dominators to keep them from invading.
The Waverider arrives in 2016 and the transponder alerts them. The Dominator they saved promises to spare their lives if they sacrifice Barry. If they don’t, they’ll deploy a weapon that will exterminate all the metahumans.
Back at the Hall of Justice, the team reconvenes. Cisco uses the transponder to vibe onto the Dominator ship with Nate. The two learn that the Dominators think metahumans may one day abuse their powers. Cisco comes to the realization that when they went back to 1951 and saved that particular Dominator, those events may have led to their current predicament. He finally sees things from Barry’s perspective.
At STAR Labs, Lily becomes frustrated at her lack of progress on the device, but the real root of her problems is Martin acting distant. He speaks to her to apologize and the two inadvertently come up with a solution for their project.
Barry has decided to give himself up. The team won’t let him. He’s only convinced otherwise when Cisco steps in and reclaims Barry as his friend.
Time is up when the Dominator ship in Central City starts to open its doors to deploy a meta-bomb (hey, it’s used to kill metahumans, so it’s as good a name as any). Sara and Cisco head towards the bomb in the Waverider. Martin arrives and presents the project he and Lily have been working on—a nano-device that will cause the Dominators immense pain. However, they need to be attached to all the Dominators before activating or else it’ll give away their plan.
The heroes and the Dominators meet on a rooftop, ready for battle. The two groups sprint towards each other, with the heroes attaching the nano-devices onto the enemy as quickly as possible. In one fight, Oliver is thrown off the roof, but is quickly saved by Supergirl. The two nod at each other, coming to an understanding that Supergirl is someone Oliver can trust.
Sara deploys the tractor beam in an attempt to stop the meta-bomb’s fall. The Waverider barely performs the task. Sara calls for Firestorm’s help, hoping that he can transmute it into something harmless.
After the Dominators on the roof have been taken care of, Supergirl and the Flash race across the country to deal with the rest of them. Under Oliver’s command, Felicity switches on all the devices. Every Dominator keels over in pain.
In the sky, Firestorm is unable to tramustate the meta-bomb. Martin pleads with Jax. If the bomb is successful, Lily will die. Firestorm, using all his might, transmutes the bomb into water, and it harmlessly splashes onto the ground below. The Dominators, seeing their defeat, quickly retreat in droves.
The President honors the heroes and soon it’s a party in the Hall of Justice, replete with lot’s of homages and references. At one point, Ray comments how Kara has an uncanny resemblance to his cousin (a reference to Brandon Routh’s past role as Clark Kent / Superman in 2006’s Superman Returns).
Oliver apologizes to Kara and admits that he should’ve been much more trusting. They both agree that their respective Earths could use each others’ talents. Cisco gives Kara a parting gift—an interdimensional extrapolator that will allow a single person to travel between Earths. It will also allow for basic communication. A smart way to introduce regular crossovers without requiring a giant threat to any universe.
Martin requests that Jax not reveal the Lily aberration to the rest of the team. He’s decided that he doesn’t want to lose his daughter.
The men in black arrive once more. However, Kara quickly shuts down Glasses Man by telling him about her Earth’s DEO and how she’s spoken with Earth-1’s President—she’ll soon be relocating him to Antarctica. And with that, Kara opens a breach and goes back to Earth-38.
Oliver and Sara imagine a world where they never boarded the Queen’s Gambit. Oliver believes that their fate is a gift.
At a bar, Oliver and Barry have a drink where they question if they would’ve been happy with “normal” life. The two agree that it would’ve been happy, but definitely not fulfilling.
Next: Catch up with a recap of 'Outlaw Country'
Legendary Moment(s)
- Seeing our favorite DC super heroes team up and use their powers in one giant battle.
- Firestorm transmuting the meta-bomb into water.
- Felicity feeling the effects of time-travel.
- Nate Heywood finally sporting his Citizen Steel suit and mask (with the signature Warner Bos. / DC superhero eyeliner).
Thoughts for Tomorrow
Seriously, a DC fan couldn’t have asked for more. Yes, I’m sure a lot of fans are probably complaining about Cisco’s incessant whining about his dead brother and Barry’s timeline creation. However, the writers did a good job wrapping up that arc. At one point, I thought Felicity was going to use her story of nuking a populated town to teach Cisco about forgiveness. The route the writers took—having Cisco create an aberration of his own—was a great move and wasn’t expected.
This was a fun episode and is probably the best DC multi-super hero team-up outside of the comics. I know the horse is beyond dead and rotting at this point. Yet, I’m still going to hit it with everything I’ve got: I loved how the personal conflicts were resolved without having everyone become friends after finding out that their mothers have the same name.