Gotham: Cameron Monaghan Sporting A Joker Look

Is Jerome going full Joker upon his return to Gotham in 2017?

Cameron Monaghan as serial killer Jerome Valeska seemed primed to be Gotham’s own version of the Joker before there is even a Batman. He was brutally murdered before he could realize his full terrifying potential though.

However in the world of Gotham (and really most comic book shows) a little thing like death is hardly enough to keep a good psychopath down. When the show returns this January, so will Jerome. We don’t know exactly how, but several villains have already returned from death in the last season and a half, so it’s hardly shocking.

What might be the twist though, is if Jerome has transformed and is just plain becoming the Joker. It is something that Cameron Monaghan himself seems to be teasing. He recently posted a picture suggested a scarred, cut up face much like the New 52 version of the Clown Prince Of Crime. And more recently, he posted a picture on social media where it seems like he’s wearing the Joker’s trademark purple duds. It was quickly taken down, but nothing gets deleted off the internet when it’s posted, so take a look at the pic and see what you think:

Next: Gotham: Jerome To Have New 52-inspired Look?

Now, this could be interpreted many ways. Monaghan could certainly just be having fun and trolling people. He could be indicating that while Jerome is not the Joker of Gotham, he is very like the Joker in nature, and leads to the eventual actual Joker. After all, the producers of the show have repeatedly talked about the culture and atmosphere in city that exists and rises up around Jerome and how that could lead to an individual such as the Joker. But it could also be them going heck with it, he’s the Joker. Guess we’ll find out when the show returns in mid-January…

h/t Inverse