Viola Davis Reflects On Suicide Squad


Viola Davis had a lot of fun playing Amanda Waller in Suicide Squad

Suicide Squad wasn’t a particularly well-reviewed film, but it did pretty well at the box office, and several performances had near universal acclaim. One of those was Viola Davis as the ruthless and cunning Amanda Waller, the architect of Task Force X, some real bad guys who could do some real good. In a recent interview with Variety, Davis reflected on her time filming the role for the movie:

"I loved it. And I think I loved it because I didn’t think that deeply about it. I just thought it was fun. What was fun to me about Amanda Waller — who is heavy, pearls, afro — she has no superhuman strength, but absolutely just puts fear into the hearts of all these villains. That appeals to me greatly. There’s something about her for me that was familiar. I was working out the bad girl, but from a space that, for me, is based somewhat in reality. I liked playing with that power. It’s something so often not given to women, that kind of unapologetic badassery."

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So does that mean we could see Viola Davis return as Amanda Waller anytime soon since she had such a good time in the role? She certainly doesn’t seem opposed to it, and Amanda Waller fits in just about any DC property in some fashion being a shadowy government figure type. I wouldn’t be surprised to see her pop up in Justice League in a cameo role or something.

Warner Bros. would be very wise to make her their own version of Marvel’s Samuel L. Jackson in his role as Nick Fury, manipulating things behind the scenes. Certainly at the very least Warner Bros. should do whatever they need to get her back for Suicide Squad 2, which is currently in development.