If Robin Lord Taylor has his way, Kevin Smith might be directing an episode of Gotham in the near future!
Podcaster and occasional maker of weird-ass films Kevin Smith is also a major comics fanboy. Not only has he written some very popular arcs on some well-known comics (Green Arrow, Batman), but lately he’s been directing episodes of some of your favorite superhero shows as well. He’s got two episodes of The Flash under his belt and his first directing gig for Supergirl aired this past Monday, and he’ll be directing another episode of that show later this year. He’s even directing a Batman-themed episode of The Goldbergs set to air this Spring.
Clearly Kevin Smith is a solid and well-liked choice for directing super-nerdy comic book stuff. So what is next on Smith’s plate? How about a visit to Fox for an episode or two of Gotham? Robin Lord Taylor, who plays Penguin on the show likes the idea so much he posted about it on Twitter:
Bring it on, @ThatKevinSmith! We would love to see you in #Gotham! https://t.co/kRMm4dlyoU
— Robin Lord Taylor (@robinlordtaylor) January 26, 2017
And Kevin Smith responded, seeming more than ready to hop on over to the Fox lot for a directing gig on the show:
Me too! Tell someone over there in @Gotham to light up the Fat Signal and I'll waddle on over, sir! https://t.co/Z1pMUxBqmS
— KevinSmith (@ThatKevinSmith) January 26, 2017
Granted, Robin Lord Taylor doesn’t necessarily have a ton of say as to who gets to direct episodes, but Smith has gotten a lot of praise for his work on Flash & Supergirl, and is a gigantic Batman fan, so he might seem like a good fit for the show.
There are two issues I possibly have with this idea though. Gotham is a very different show from anything on the Arrowverse. Those shows are a lot lighter and frankly less weird and out there than Gotham.
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The second and more important one is that I listen to Kevin Smith’s podcast “Fatman on Batman” quite often. While he is a huge fan of The Flash, Supergirl, and other DC (and Marvel) shows, Gotham is one he never seems excited about. He mentions it here and there, but hasn’t really kept up with it and doesn’t show any fondness for the show. That’s not necessarily something you need to just come in and direct an episode of a show, but Smith got his TV directing gigs because of his fandom for the shows specifically. So if he’s not passionate about the show, why would they want him? Maybe getting the gig will actually make Smith get into the show. We’ll just have to see if and when it happens.
h/t Heroic Hollywood