Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Pink #6 Review: Adieu Pink Ranger

The Pink Ranger may have saved France, but Kimberly’s last mission isn’t over! Can she lead her new and old friends to another planet to save the other Power Rangers?

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Pink #6

Writers: Tini Howard, Brenden Fletcher & Kelly Thompson

Artist: Daniele Di Nicuolo

Colorist: Sara Stern

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It’s taken a long time to get here, but the tenure of the first Pink Ranger comes to an end. Kimberly Hart has come out of retirement to save both her parents and St. Moineau, France. She’s hardly done it alone. In fact, Kimberly successfully teamed up veteran Rangers Trini Kwan and Zack Taylor with St. Moineau rookies Serge and his sister Britt. They may have defeated Verto and Goldar, but there’s one last mission to be had. The other Power Rangers are in trouble on planet Orulind!

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Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa have teamed up and are using Zedd’s massive Zord, Serpentera. They’re apart from their Megazord, which is guarded by an army of minions. Tommy Oliver does his best to keep cool as the White Ranger, but even he and Billy Cranston know the odds are against them. Fortunately, the Pink Ranger flies in with an “Ultrazord” made up of Typhonis and some other older era Zords. This buys Tommy and the others enough time to get to the Megazord.

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One More Time, It’s Morphin Time!

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Throughout the encounter, it’s obvious that seeing Tommy again is unsettling to Kimberly. Not only did they used to date, but his unwavering confidence makes her sense her own hesitation more. Zack Taylor nearly sacrifices himself to destroy the MacGuffin allowing Zedd to control the Megazord. A few shouts and poses later, the villains are defeated and the Power Rangers escape. All in a day’s work for “some teenagers with attitudes.” Yet there is still some unfinished business.

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After returning Zordon’s energy back to him, Kimberly and the others relearn that being a Power Ranger is a permanent affair. They are forever linked to the service, even if they no longer wear the spandex or perform the flying kicks. As such, it is up to each of them to figure out what to do with their lives afterward. Kimberly remains torn between her duty to her friends and the world, and her desire to move on with her life. Inspired by her friends’ examples, she rides off into the sunset.

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This issue continues the comics’ entrenched continuity within the third season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. During this period, Kimberly Hart, Zack Taylor, and Trini Kwan were replaced on the main team by Kat Hillard, Adam Park, and Aisha Campbell (with Rocky DeSantos replacing Jason Lee Scott as Red Ranger). Zedd and Rita are also pictured together, with Zedd using his personal Zord and the “Putties” baring his symbol. Yet the action is much better within this comic!

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Better Special Effects Than Saban Could Muster!

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Tini Howard does a great job of channeling Kimberly’s conflicted feelings within the script. It’s hard enough seeing an ex, much less realizing last minute that he was literally in outer space. In addition, her conflict between her passion for gymnastics and being a Power Ranger is apparent. Ultimately, she realizes she can still be a heroine even without morphing grid super powers. Having Zack and Trini be in a relationship also better explains their retirement, and is cute to boot.

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Daniele Di Nicuolo once again puts in an incredible effort on art, combined with Sara Stern’s colors. There’s more giant robot action this time around, as well as classic Power Ranger formations. He’s great at reaction shots of the Rangers themselves, as well as keeping all of their costume designs distinct. He’s proven to be a great artist with superhero action. I hope to see more of his work  on Power Rangers or elsewhere. This comic certainly looks more exciting than the TV show ever was!

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Next: See Kimberly's final battle with Verto in #5!

In conclusion, this was a terrific side series to the main Mighty Morphin Power Rangers series. It helped explain why Kimberly and other figures retired in a better manner than the TV show did. Also, it was great to see Kimberly as well as Zack and Trini team up one last time. To a degree this last issue felt tacked on, as it may have been possible to get to the meat of their retirement without it. However, it made for a great finale, and a fine sendoff for the original Pink Ranger.