Silver Sable, Black Cat Spin-off Movie Back In the Works

Sony green-lights another Spider-Man film project featuring two of the wall-crawlers heroic (and sometimes not-so heroic) female allies.

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When I wrote for the Spider-Man Crawlspace, I did a series of lengthy, in-depth articles covering Sony’s abandoned plans for their Spider-Man Universe of films, as revealed by WikiLeaks’ publication of their emails via the infamous Sony Pictures Hack. One of these covered the proposal for a possible Silver Sable movie, written by screenwriter and producer Lisa Joy (Burn Notice, Westworld), a film which would’ve also included the Black Cat, and a version of Spider-Gwen before Marvel even came up the idea. Of course, once Sony made their deal with Marvel Studios over the film rights for Spider-Man, any such plans became shelved if not scrapped altogether. Or were they?

Because as revealed in an exclusive report from The Hollywood Reporter, Sony will now move ahead on production of a Silver Sable and Black Cat team-up movie. Only this time, Lisa Joy isn’t the screenwriter, though her original story will still serve as the basis for the film. Instead, the project has gone to Chris Yost, who, among his list of credits, includes several Spider-Man and X-Men comics; cult favorite cartoons like Wolverine and the X-Men and Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes; and the upcoming Thor: Ragnarok.

This news also comes on the heels of Sony’s previous announcement of their giving the go-ahead for a live-action, big-screen adaptation of Venom, including an official release date set for October 5, 2018. But just like Venom, there are questions over just how much a Silver Sable and Black Cat will tie into a cinematic version of Spider-Man, if at all. Because according to THR:

"(The spinoffs are not offshoots from the upcoming Spider-Man: Homecoming but rather projects spun from the overall franchise and based on Sony’s Marvel’s Spider-Man universe.)"

Which means that, just like Venom, Sony is creating another film featuring Spider-Man characters that, because of the nature of their deal with Marvel Studios, could have no connection with Spider-Man whatsoever. Which, of course, makes you wonder what’s the point of Sony even having a Spider-Man Cinematic Universe if there’s no Spider-Man in it?  Especially since Black Cat’s entire character motivation in the comics is her attraction towards Spider-Man.

Regardless, this would still mean the second cinematic appearance of the Black Cat (she first appeared as “Felicia Hardy” minus her costume in The Amazing Spider-Man 2) and the live-action debut of Silver Sable. Though if a Silver Sable/Black Cat film takes place in separate “film continuity” than Spider-Man: Homecoming, their characters may be quite different from their comic book counterparts. Wonder if Yost will make some bizarre connection between the two due to both having white-to-platinum blonde hair, who both take their codenames from furry animals?

Source: The Hollywood Reporter