The Official DC Super Hero Joke Book Review

The Official DC Super Hero Joke Book takes readers through some kid-friendly, innocent humor, as well as provide some classic illustrations of comics past.

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The comic book publisher that brought us the Man of Steel has been going into some dark territory lately. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was so serious and pessimistic that its protagonists weren’t even familiar to fans. However, there’s a remedy—and it comes in the form of the Official DC Super Hero Joke Book.

At 175 pages, the book is not short on knock-knock jokes, puns, and observational humor. 600 jokes to be exact. As an adult reading this, the book also gave me some obvious things to think about—things that I really took for granted as a child. Case in point:

If Cyborg’s body is mostly made of metal, why is Superman called the Man of Steel?

Cheesy humor aside, what really brings readers back to their childhood days is the art. Instead of using modern artists, the book has a plethora of illustrations from the Silver and Bronze Ages—probably the most campy eras of the famed comics publisher.

Bright and colorful, this book would make a great gift to any child or adult—I know I’d certainly appreciate it. Seriously, this book is aimed at the child demographic and serves as a great way to get them reading. However, you’re only as old as you feel. So sit back, and let these characters take you on a fun ride of ridiculous humor.

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Special thanks to Downtown Bookworks Editorial/Marketing Associate Sara DiSalvo for helping us with this review.

The Official DC Super Hero Joke Book is published by Downtown Bookworks and is available for purchase online, at retailers, and wherever books are sold.

About the Authors

Noah Smith is a comedy writer and playwright. He has written material for “Weekend Update” on Saturday Night Live, and his plays have been produced in 44 states and on four continents.

Sarah Parvis is a children’s book author and editor who spent her childhood in Wonder Woman pajamas.

Michael Robin is an author, librarian, and DC mega-fan. He also wrote DC Super Heroes My First Dictionary.