Doug Liman reveals why he walked away from Gambit


Doug Liman has finally shed some light on why he left Gambit.

Fox’s Gambit film has been in development hell for the last few years. The film was originally announced in 2014 with Channing Tatum starring as the title character and Rupert Wyatt directing. Wyatt eventually dropped out and Doug Liman was hired to replace him. But last summer, Liman left the project over creative differences. Now, he has finally given his exact reasons for leaving the film.

In an interview with LRM, Liman revealed that he exited the film because he was not able to work with the script. He then went on to explain the importance of story to his films:

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"“I’m all about the script, and I just wasn’t feeling it. I’ve gotta connect to the script. On Bourne Identity, Matt Damon was always referring to himself as a ‘script whore,’ and I’m with Matt on that. It’s like, you feel the script, that’s everything. We make movies because we want to tell great stories. The Wall started with a contest Amazon ran, and Dwain’s script rose to the top, and then it got handed to me.”"

It’s disappointing when things like this happen, but usually they happen for the best. Sometimes a script just doesn’t connect with a director the way that he or she thought it would. Also, it’s definitely better that this happen during pre-production rather than in the middle of filming.

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Liman is currently set to direct Warner Bros. and DC Film’s Dark Universe. Meanwhile, Gambit is still in development with Tatum still attached, but it does not have a director or a release date. It’s hard to say if the movie will still happen (or if we even still need it). But if it does actually happen, comic fans like myself will still be lining up to see it.