Preview: Cable #1 from Marvel


Cable, the man with the most complicated history in comics, returns to the pages of his own series this month and we have a preview.

From every indication, it would seem the X-Men are back and in a big way.

The first batch of ResurrXion titles have been a solid sales and critical hit with fans enjoying the return of the mutants to a place of prominence in the Marvel Universe. Despite the controversy surrounding the launch of X-Men: Gold, readers are liking what they see and seem to be sticking around.

The next mutant to make a return to comic book shelved everywhere is the one and only Cable. And with Josh Brolin set to play the time-hopping soldier in Deadpool 2, his popularity will only grow which makes the timing of the new series perfect.

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Introduced in the pages of New Mutants #87 and created by Louise Simonson and Rob Liefeld, Cable, aka Nathan Summers, is probably best known for having the most complicated and indecipherable backstories in all of comics.

Seriously. Cable could give Donna Troy a run for her money in the category of convoluted origins.

That said, it hasn’t stooped readers from making the character a fan favorite. Cable starred in his own series for over 100 issues and then co-starred in a second series with Deadpool himself. He has appeared in numerous titles since then, including another X-Force title and Uncanny Avengers. But this will be Cable’s first ongoing solo series in quite some time.

Marvel has lined up an A-list team of creators for Cable, including writer James Robinson and artist Carlos Pacheco. Those names alone are usually enough to get most fanboys to pick any book up, but throw in the return of the X-Men to the top of the pecking order and Marvel could have a huge hit on their hands.

From the Marvel solicitation:

"With all of time hanging in the balance, there’s only one man with the skills to save it. When Cable picks up the trail of a threat in the timestream, he sets off on a high-speed chase through time to save reality as we know it. From prehistory to modern day—whether it’s a six-gun duel at high noon or a high-tech sword fight in an ancient land—Cable is the only man who can keep history from unraveling!"

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Cable #1 goes on sale in comic shops and digitally on May 31 with a cover by Dale Keown and includes variant covers by Mike Choi, John Tyler Christopher, Leonard Kirk, Andy Kubert, Bill Martin and Whilce Portacio.