Justice League rumors: Iris West scenes removed from the movie


The Justice League movie will reportedly be without Barry Allen’s love interest, Iris West, according to a report.

The Flash will be one of the main superheroes that star in the Justice League movie. Played by Ezra Miller, he was expected to be involved with his on-screen and comic-book love interest, Iris West, who Kiersey Clemons was cast to play. She was one of a handful of supporting characters set to be involved in the film, to supplement the five heroes it will focus on.

Well, it looks like Barry Allen will ride solo in Justice League. According to Batman-News.com, Clemons’ scenes were cut from the film, so viewers will not see Iris at all. It’s not the first character to be removed, as Jesse Eisenberg’s Lex Luthor received the same fate. 

Both moves happened after Joss Whedon took over as the movie’s production for Zack Snyder, whose daughter passed away earlier this year. So, it seems Whedon wants to remove anything that he feels might not work in the final cut.

As for Clemons, that pushes her potential debut in the DCEU to the Flashpoint movie. This will give The Flash his own movie, presumably with Iris at his side. An official release date is unknown.

The Iris character will be around soon, however, except not at the movie theater. The TV show The Flash has Candice Patton play her, and certainly in a role that won’t be cut from the show anytime soon. She’ll be seen when the show returns for season 4 on Tuesday, Oct. 10 on The CW.

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Justice League hits theaters on Friday, Nov. 17. It stars Ben Affleck as Batman, Jason Momoa as Aquaman, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Ray Fisher as Cyborg and Ezra Miller as The Flash.