Chris Hemsworth was bored with Thor before working with Taika Waititi

Thor was becoming less interesting to Chris Hemsworth until he teamed with Taika Waititi.

Chris Hemsworth has been playing Thor for over six years now, and he’s clearly become more than comfortable in the role. But, in a recent interview with Jimmy Kimmel, the actor admitted that he was getting somewhat bored with the Marvel hero. This all changed when director Taika Waititi stepped in.

In an interview with Female First, Hemsworth discussed how Waititi wanted to move away from the more conventional elements of the character:

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"“Taika Waititi, the director that came in, is a genius and has such a left-of-centre, wildly odd sense of humour. He said: ‘I don’t ever want to hear ‘Loki’ and ‘this madness’ again.’ And I said: ‘No, I’m done. I’ve said that a thousand times.’ And so anytime something felt familiar, we’d go the other way, throw it out of the window and start again. We may have pushed it too far; I don’t know. But it was a hell of a lot of fun and it’s going to be vastly different and unique to what we’ve done before.”"

The actor also explained how the plan for the story was always to strip the Mighty Avenger of everything he holds dear:

"“That was our plan. To destroy him, destroy his world and everything he knows and everyone he loves, and just reinvent it. He happens to be on a planet where everyone else is pretty damn powerful too. So he’s kind of a regular guy in that sense. No one gives a damn if he’s the prince of Asgard or whatever. It doesn’t mean anything on this planet. We wanted to strip all that back and make him more relatable. I had also gotten kind of bored with how I was playing it. I wanted to do something different.”"

From the moment that first trailer was released, it was clear that this was going to be a very different Thor. Viewers love the God of Thunder, but he hadn’t evolved quite as much as heroes like Steve Rogers and Tony Stark.

One of the most notable changes to Thor is his increased sense of humor. He’s always been funny, but it mostly stemmed from his originally naive nature. Now, he’s making quips that could rival even those of Tony Stark. While this has become a point of contention for some, we can’t deny that it’s a fresh addition to his characterization.

Seeing the Prince of Asgard in a new setting is also refreshing, and it will be intriguing to see how he handles losing everything. Overall, this third chapter should change the way we look at the character going forward.

Next: Chris Hemsworth hints at a new weapon for Thor

Thor: Ragnarok arrives in theaters on Nov. 3, 2017.