Red Rising: The Sons of Ares #5 review

Red Rising: The Sons of Ares is a prequel series to Pierce Brown’s NYTBS Red Rising Series. It will cover the birth of a rebellion and provide backstory of some integral characters from the original trilogy.

Comic: Red Rising: The Sons of Ares 

Story by: Pierce Brown

Script by: Rik Hoskin

Art by: Eli Powell

Color by: Jordan Boyd


The Sons of Ares book 4 left us with the shocking realization that Fitchner, Ryanna and the rest of their crew are on a mission to rescue Bryn and Sevro, from the clutches of the Board of Quality Control.

Bryn and Sevro have been captured by Fitchner’s old friend Arturuis.

Image Courtesy Dynamite Comics for Red Rising: The Sons of Ares book 5

It seems that rumors of Fitchner and Bryn’s affair and their illegal visit to the carver who made Sevro, had somehow reached Arturuis.

Seemingly acting, at least at first, from a misguided place of friendship and love, Arturuis took it upon himself to capture Bryn and Sevro. Additionally, he sealed the file of the entire incident so that nobody would know what had happened.

When Arturuis tells Fitchner that he has “righted” the others wrong, Fitchner angrily confronts him.

After returning home to find only Ryanna and a wrecked home, Fitchner rushes to Quicksilver, to pursue his aid in rescuing his wife and child.

Quicksilver grants him the information that our old friend Varus, holds the knowledge of access codes because he handles disposal services for certain large buildings, including the HQ of the Board of Quality Control.

All that Quicksilver asks is for Fitchner’s services indefinitely, to which he quickly agrees.

We next see our heroes storming the compound, only to be presented with a seemingly overwhelming force against them.

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As Arturuis gloats to Bryn that Fitchner is a mad dog who must be brought down, she snatches his Razor from him and slashes him across the throat.

We are left with the image of Bryn holding the Razor, ensnared around Arturuis’ throat, with the latter on his knees.

Final Thoughts

My initial instinct when I heard about this series was to wait until all 6 were out and then to read them all at once. I strongly feel that I should have followed them.

Maybe it’s because I’m not a big comic book fan, but the about 25 pages of story, followed by a waiting period before the next book, is really grating on me.

However, that is nothing but a credit to this series because I simply need to know what happens next, upon concluding each book and it annoys me that I must wait.

Getting to see Golden Culture and the Society in General from the point of view of a Gold has been incredible.

Certainly, Fitchner isn’t a “true Gold” given his alienation by the others of his kind, but as an avid fan of the original trilogy, I have found myself looking forward to reviewing this series each week as well.

Next: Gambit has been given an official release date

With just one more book left, I cannot wait to see how Red Rising: The Sons of Ares is finally wrapped up.