Avengers: Infinity War way-too-early death predictions

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Credit: Marvel Studios; from Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

As the first trailer for Avengers: Infinity War hits, we look at who may the first casualties in the war for the Infinity Stones.

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No one takes a death in comic book seriously. Whenever a major, or even not-so major, superhero or super villain dies, they always somehow come back to life. Entire crossovers and events have revolved around some character’s ultimate sacrifice, last stand, or plain, ordinary demise, as if to say, “This is important! They’re dead! We’re being serious this time!” Then in a year or less–surprise! They’re back to life again, courtesy of their universe’s revolving door of the afterlife.

This immunity to death has even pervaded the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I mean, when was the last time a major character died in these movies? Okay, all the villains have, except for Loki, Klaw, Zemo, and the Vulture. Yondu certainly did in Guardians of The Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017). So did Odin and the Warriors Three during Thor: Ragnarok (2017). Come to think of it, death started looking more permanent after Avengers: Age of Ultron. 

Now we have the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War, the trailer of which was released this week. This film is inspired by a comic book story where Thanos (Josh Brolin), in possesses of a gem-encrusted glove, wipes out half of the universe just to empress Death. Stands to reason some folks could very well die in this movie, right?

That’s what we’re here for, to guess which characters could die during Thanos quest for the Infinity Stones. Keep in mind, these are only theories, though possible spoilers could follow.