Avengers: Infinity War way-too-early death predictions

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Credit: Marvel Studios; from Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

Asgardian Refugees and the Nova Corps

If you saw the mid-credits teaser during Thor: Ragnarok, you know Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Loki (Tom Hiddleston), and the Asgardians are in serious trouble. Everyone who saw that giant spaceship knew it belonged to Thanos. After seeing the official trailer, it looks as though the worst has indeed happened.

As stated in the article on how Thor: Ragnarok could tie into Avengers: Infinity War, this is logical from a storytelling perspective. Since Thor could witness the deaths of several of his people he’s sworn to protect, he’ll have a personal vendetta in stopping Thanos.

Loki, meanwhile, will bargain for his own life by handing Thanos the Tesseract–which contains the Space Stone–as the trailer suggests. This also could cast Loki in a similar role Mephisto played in the Infinity Gauntlet comics. Basically, I’m thinking he’ll act as Thanos’ toady knowing the Mad Titan is too powerful for him to take on by himself. Not to mention he can be the one who tells Thanos about how where some Infinity Stones are on Earth.

The trailer also shows that, aside from obtaining the Space stone, Thanos already has the Power Stone in his gauntlet. If you recall, Star-Lord (Chris Pratt) gave the stone to the Nova Corps at the end of Guardians of the Galaxy (2014). If Thanos already has that stone, then he and his forces more than likely wiped out the Corps, if not their homeworld of Xandar. Again, this makes sense from a plot standpoint, because it establishes Thanos as a more than capable threat for our heroes early on.

Probability of death: 100 percent