6 X-Men we want to see Disney reintroduce

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3. Juggernaut

Juggernaut was arguably the most forgettable character of the entire X-Men movie franchise and it’s a shame. Vinnie Jones did his best with what he had to work within what looked like a really good costume design, but that was about it. Nothing about who Juggernaut was and where he came from was made relevant — only that he was big strong and liked to run into stuff. Even when the franchise was rebooted, it was Mystique who got the nod as Charles Xavier’s sibling (or childhood friend) and there was never any mention of Cain Marko as his brother.

Juggernaut, more than anyone on this list can benefit the most from Disney. Cain’s history really begins when he and his step-brother Professor X join the army to fight in the Korean War. He runs off and stumbles upon the gem of Cyttorak which grants him the ability to the world’s strongest being, as the Juggernaut. Cain, believing Charles was responsible for the tons of rubble that buried him sought revenge and the rest is history. Juggernaut would also have run-ins with other Marvel heroes like Doctor Strange, whose life he saved, and the Hulk. Juggernaut would also join the Avengers, so yeah this guy needs Disney to reintroduce him.