6 X-Men we want to see Disney reintroduce

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1. Gambit

As far as we know, there’s still a Gambit movie waiting to be made, and Channing Tatum will be the star. Before Tatum the last time we saw Gambit was in Wolverine Origins played by Taylor Kitsch. No disrespect to Kitsch, but there nothing memorable about the character. There was no exploration of his background and it definitely didn’t tie him into the X-Men team. Gambit’s history is too rich not be explored whether it be a feature film or a focal point in an X-Men movie.

Gambit history reads like a romance and heist movie with him being born into a life of crime becoming a gifted thief in his own right. It would be Mister Sinister who would help Gambit when he was unable to control his powers. As a favor Gambit would lead a team of mutants to do Sinister’s bidding.

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With Gambit being tied to Mister Sinister as the leader of the Maunders, being partially responsible for Mutant Massacre, and eventually joining the X-Men— Disney could really give fans the right version of this character.