Avengers 4: Could Captain America survive through the finale?


Everyone is speculating about which heroes won’t make it through the Marvel’s Avengers finale with Avengers 4. Could Captain America be one of the few to make the cut?

Chris Evans’ portrayal of Captain America has become one of the most popular characters to come out of the MCU. Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man might have kicked off the Marvel Studio’s reign over superhero films, but Captain America might be the best thing to come out of it.

The trilogy of Cap movies are among the highest earning and well-reviewed of any of the Marvel films. The first two Avenger’s films seemed to focus on Iron Man, but if you’ve seen the most recent Infinity War trailer then you know that reveal of Cap coming back was the highlight.

In the comics, technically speaking Captain America was not an original Avenger. He did not join the team until the later issues. However, once he did Cap became a symbol for everything the Avengers represent. He is the old pro that is there for everyone and never lets his friends down. Tony Stark’s Iron Man might be fun because of his quips and roguish personality, but Rogers is the hero you want behind the wheel when things go wrong. I think that Marvel would be wise to not have the Captain give his life for the cause.

Of all our heroes, Steve Rogers story might be one of the most tragic. He was a young man who just wanted to do his part for his country. His motivations for joining the cause weren’t because of guilt or grief, the young man just wanted to help. He fell in love with an incredible partner that he lost. Now he is on the run from the government that he gave everything up for. If anyone deserves a happy ending, it is Steve Rogers.

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One of the most recent storylines in the comics was when Captain America lost his super soldier formula and changed into his actual age. This probably won’t happen in the movies, but it is the only way that Captain America could ever reasonably retire. It is not impossible that Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury might need to be replaced and Chris Evans’ Captain America would be the prefect man to step into his shoes.

I know Evans might be done with the role and not want to continue, but if there is any way for his story to continue in these films, I think it should. Maybe after Avengers 4, Cap would become the character that introduces new characters and links the upcoming films together. This type of work could fit into Evans’ schedule if he wants out of these films.

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As heroic as it might be to watch Captain America die in the service of his friends and country. I think the better story would be to see a hero get to walk into the sunset on his own terms and take the much needed break that Steve Rogers so deserves at this point.