Star Wars movie ranking after The Last Jedi

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Credit: Lucasfilm; Star Wars logo

After the release of the latest chapter in the Star Wars saga in theatres, we list all nine films from least to greatest.

By now, many of you have already seen Star Wars: The Last Jedi based on its very successful box office opening weekend.  Certainly no one has been shy about voicing their opinions on it. Given the social media dominated age we live in, reaction ranges from “it’s better than Empire Strikes Back” to “Disney has ruined Star Wars for all time!”

But how does the latest chapter in the Star Wars saga really stack up? Does it really deserve the accolades it’s been receiving? Or is it, as some allege, even worse than the Prequels? Well, it’s time to find out just where The Last Jedi ranks among the other films, as we list all nine Star Wars movies from least to greatest.

Yes, I can imagine hearing some of you devoted Star Wars fans, with your vast encyclopedic knowledge, correct me by saying, “Well actually, there’s really more than nine Star Wars movies.” True, but just to be clear, we’re only including the live-action theatrical releases. This means we are not including the CGI animated Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008). Nor does this list include the two made-for-TV Ewoks movies. And it definitely will not have the Star Wars Holiday Special (1978), even if it does feature the debut of Boba Fett.

Also, keep in mind that is a subjective list. Each one of these films have their strengths and weaknesses, but are also vastly entertaining in their own right. It’s just that some are more entertaining, and in some cases more beloved, than others. Let the Force be with us as we count off the lows and highs of the Star Wars saga.