The 8 best Arrowverse moments of 2017

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The Flash

1. The Savitar reveal

The Flash suffered slightly in season 3 because of it’s rather abrupt change in tone; the happy-go-lucky tone of the first two seasons was swiftly replaced with a somber and somewhat depressing theme. The fans were also disappointed with the fact that Barry was facing yet another villainous speedster.

It was unfortunate that Savitar’s identity remained a mystery for so long during the season, but there’s no doubt that the eventual reveal that he was an evil time remnant of a future Barry Allen was the stand-out moment of the season (even if we did see it coming).

2 The midseason finale’s DeVoe twist

Tonally, The Flash returned to the lighter ways of season 1 in season 4 which was a much-needed improvement. Not only this, for the first time Barry is up against a villain who isn’t an evil speedster. This time, Barry faces the man with the fastest mind in the world: the Thinker.

Clifford DeVoe has been a constant presence throughout the early part of Season 4 and has made himself known to Barry and the team. As well as this, he’s managed to manipulate events that have lead to the upcoming adaptation of “The Trial of The Flash”. DeVoe has meticulously thought of every step of his grand plan, and the reveal of his latest move was a stunning twist.