Marvel Cinematic Universe: Ranking the 20 greatest superheroes

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As the Marvel Cinematic Universe reaches its 10th year, let’s look back on the 20 greatest superheroes to be part of this comic book society.

When the Marvel Cinematic Universe was created in 2008, no one could have expected it to achieve what it has in 10 years. From all the characters that debuted to the storylines and worlds that were introduced, it revolutionized the movie industry and brought these fictional superheroes to the big screen, garnering millions of dollars in the process.

Behind each MCU movie is its hero. Depending on the film, it can be multiple, much like The Avengers, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Captain America: Civil War and the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers 4 (the movie’s unofficial title). Some may be mightier than others, but they all left an impact.

It started with 2008’s Iron Man, introducing Tony Stark to the big screen. The Incredible Hulk followed that same year. Thor, Captain America: The First Avenger and The Avengers completed Phase One. This created the groundwork for the MCU, with its biggest heroes in the forefront and part of the next two phases of movies. Characters like Iron Man to Captain America, Thor, Black Widow, Hulk and Hawkeye started it all.

Following them, the Guardians of the Galaxy, Ant-Man, Doctor Strange and Spider-Man joined the MCU. That’s along with the supporting characters each top-end hero brought with them.

Through 10 years, these heroes took over movie theaters and will continue to do so in February’s Black Panther and the previously mentioned Infinity War. However, which ones rank as the best? Which one is the best of them all? Many have received airtime, but we narrowed it to the top 20, along with a few jumbled together if necessary. Let’s take a look.