5 most irreplaceable characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

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‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ {Credit: Marvel Studios}

There is no doubt that when it comes to casting their superheroes, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has had some spot-on choices.

On so many occasions have Marvel’s mightiest heroes leaped from page to screen thanks to casting decisions.

Of course, with many of the MCU’s head star’s contracts set to expire at the end of the MCU’s Phase 3, it is still up to debate as to whether Marvel will recast their biggest heroes, or simply write them out of action.

Regardless of what they end up doing, here are the top five biggest Marvel heroes that absolutely cannot be replaced or recast.

5. Spider-Man

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This entry is technically a cheat, as Tom Holland’s take in the MCU is the third adaptation of the Wall-Crawler on the big screen. However, now that Spider-Man is officially a part of the MCU for the time being, it absolutely necessary that he not be replaced again.

This is especially because of the fact that Holland has taken the character and make him his own. Holland’s take did something that other Spider-Man actors had yet to do, which established him as a younger superhero. Thanks to Hollands’s age, Marvel was finally able to make a movie establishing him as a high school student.

It wasn’t just Holland’s age that made him possibly the best Spider-Man however. Through his stellar acting, Holland managed to make his take on Peter Parker his own thing. He was likable, relatable, and downright charming. He was everything that Spider-Man needed to be.

But that’s not all that Holland brings to the table. Because of Holland’s age, he will be able to be available for a lot longer. Other actors in the MCU are not the youngest actors, with their contracts soon to expire. But with Holland’s young age, he will manage to be around for much longer. Therefore, Marvel can manage to use Spidey in more projects, allowing him to be the new face of Marvel.