Marvel’s Black Panther: 5 things we want to see in the movie

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3. More than just action an action flick

Comic book movies have been known for their action sequences. Batman v Superman had the amazing rescue scene when Batman saved Martha. Deadpool had the opening scene when he was going after Francis with twelve bullets. And there is the final fight scene in Marvel’s Avengers was full of action and comedy. Black Panther will not be short of great action scenes. But there’s something else that makes the Black Panther comics special. The philosophical and very deep conversations.

When T’Challa proposed to Storm he said to her, “Yesterday’s sorrows are nothing compared to tomorrow’s joy. We have a lifetime of love ahead of us.” T’Challa knew that he was wrong for the way he treated her when they were younger. But he never stopped loving her and wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. So, he spoke from the heart. It’s quotes like this that can make this movie special.

V for Vendetta is a perfect example of how to combine action with intense and memorable quotes. On the fifth of November you’ll see tons of people posting “Remember, Remember” and V’s mask because the quote was that memorable. Black Panther can be the first movie in the MCU with extremely deep quotes throughout the film.