10 amazing Marvel Comics romantic relationships

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8. Rogue and Gambit

The Rogue and Gambit relationship is probably one of the most popular relationships in Marvel Comics. It’s also an example of how being physical doesn’t make or break a relationship. If the people involved are in love they’ll make it work. Rogue lived with the curse of never being able to touch anyone. Despite this, Gambit loved her. He would always tell Rogue that he didn’t care about her powers and that he only wanted to be with her. Sure, Gambit would slip up, but she was always the one he went back to. I wonder if they’ll ever find a way to be together forever, or if the “Will they won’t they” theme continue.

7. Cyclops and Emma Frost

Because Jean and Cyclops were together for so long, people assume it was Cyclops’ best relationship. But it was Emma Frost. Emma may be a b-word, but she understands Cyclops better than Jean ever did. She also allowed him to be freer than Jean could as well. Because of Emma, Cyclops was able to accomplish more than he ever did before. In return, Cyclops helped Emma redeem herself and become a caring person. When the Terrigan Mist killed Cyclops, Emma made it look like Cyclops died fighting Black Bolt. She waged a war in his name because of her love for him.