Ranking the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s 8 best villains

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6. Vulture

Spider-Man: Homecoming didn’t get a lot of praise. Sure, it was number one opening weekend, but it had a 70 percent drop week two. That had nothing to do with the Adrian Toomes a.k.a. The Vulture. Toomes was a villain that made the audience sympathetic for his cause. He wasn’t a megalomaniac obsessed with taking someone down. Toomes’ only reason for doing any of this was to provide for his family. When a man is desperate, sometimes you have to do things that may not be in your character.

Adrian Toomes was given the contract to clean up New York after the events of Marvel’s Avengers. Toomes put up his own money for trucks and a crew. This was supposed to be his moment. He was proud of the work him and his crew were doing and he had snatched it right from under him by Damage Control. A father and a husband who could have lost it all chose to steal rather than have his family become penniless. Say what you will about him, but it was a noble cause.

Now, Toomes was no angel. He was going to sell the equipment he stole to the highest bidder. He planned a heist to steal tech right from Tony Stark’s team. If not for Spider-Man intervening, Toomes would have gotten away and who knows who would have gotten that technology.