Ranking the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s 8 best villains

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5. Hela

Some villains try to infiltrate groups and destroy them from the inside. Others with will attempt to find a weakness and crush them. Hela came onto the scene and immediately made herself noticed. You had two options, kneel before her or die. Almost everyone chose to fight and Hela was happy to obliterate them all. She killed hundreds of people without breaking a sweat. She even destroyed Thor’s hammer with little effort. Tossing the blades while she flipped made her action sequences look amazing. And when she needs to go hand to hand, she could do that as well.

Hela had spent years imprisoned by her father Odin and she wanted to destroy everything that he builds for keeper her locked away. And she accomplished it. Despite the fact that Thor unleashed Surtur to help get the job done doesn’t take away from the fact that Hela won. Hundreds if not thousands of Asgardians were killed, Asgard had been destroyed, and Thor was without his hammer and his eye. In the comic books, Hela embraced Thanos with a kiss. Maybe this will come into play in Avengers: Infinity War.