Avengers 4: 5 way-too-early predictions after Infinity War

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Credit: Marvel Studios/Walt Disney Pictures; Avengers: Infinity War (2018) logo

In the aftermath of Avengers: Infinity War, a look at which five things audiences could expect to see out of next year’s sequel. Spoilers are ahead from Infinity War.

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If you’re reading this, I assume you’ve already seen Avengers: Infinity War. You’re probably just as flabbergasted from the shock as I am over what happened. In some ways, I’m still trying to process it.

Of course, I did have some advantage. As a comic book fan, I’m familiar with Jim Starlin, George Perez, and Ron Lim’s The Infinity Gauntlet, the 1991 limited series which inspired the film. I knew what Thanos (Josh Brolin) did during that event, and I imagined he’d do similar things during Infinity War. Sure, it wouldn’t be a direct page-to-screen adaptation, but I did have my assumptions. Even so, I still wasn’t ready for the result.

It also left me with a lot of questions, as it no doubt did for you. And the very first question was: “What’s going to happen next?”

Which brings us to the topic at hand. Based on what happened during Avengers: Infinity War, we’re going to guess what might happen during the, as of yet, untitled fourth Avengers movie. This film, set to début next year, was filmed in conjunction with Infinity War, thus acting as the second half of a two-part cinematic epic. We’re going to spend some time trying to guess what might happen.

A few disclaimers before we proceed. First, whatever theories we discuss are just that. After all, I did make guesses as who may or may not die in Infinity War, and look how that turned out. It’s also fair warning that we’ll be discussing spoilers for Infinity War, too. This means if you haven’t yet seen the movie (and why are you still here if you haven’t), it’s best if you do that first beforehand. With that out-of-the-way, let’s delve into our first way-to-early prediction.