Daredevil season 3: Who is Bullseye and how does he fit in?

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Image Source: Marvel Digital Comics

What’s Bullseye best story?

Comic book series: Bullseye: Greatest Hits (2004 – 2005)

Bullseye’s life has been shrouded in secrecy. Who is he? Where is he from? Why is he the way he is? A lot of these questions were answered in Bullseye’s Greatest Hits.

Bullseye has what seems like a seizure and gets caught and transferred to a facility, where he could be questioned about the location of some dangerous materials. Throughout the questioning, Bullseye is asked about his past. A ploy to get him to tell them where he’s hiding the nukes he stole. We learn a lot about who he is. What happened after the fire was set to his house, his time as a pitcher in professional baseball, and also how he first met Punisher and Daredevil.

This book was unlike a lot of origin stories. It was entertaining. Bullseye’s Greatest Hits showed all of the important moments of his life. A lot of times origin stories show a lot of filler that takes away from the excitement of the story. The story told from Bullseye’s perspective added comedy. Having the guys from the U.S. Government there as well added a break back into the present. Bullseye told some lies, but all and all, the important things weren’t. I highly recommend reading this before watching Daredevil season 3.