Review: The Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #801, Slott’s finale


Dan Slott’s 10 year run comes to an end with this issue of The Amazing Spider-Man. Check out our review!

Writer: Dan Slott
Artist: Marcos Martin
Color artist: Muntsa Vicente
Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna
Cover artists: Marcos Martin anf Muntsa Vicente

The Amazing Spider-Man #801 concludes Dan Slott’s run on the series. Next month, the title gets a fresh start with Nick Spencer and Ryan Ottley. With that in mind, how does this issue fare as a final one for Slott?

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I don’t think this was the best issue of his run by any means, but it’s a positive note to end on. Slott wrote this character for 10 years and while I haven’t read all of his run, what I have read of it had it’s ups and downs. It could be hard to follow at times, but with this final issue, that’s not the case.

We get a quick look back on Peter’s origins as Spider-Man with the first page and then the story focuses on how he realizes that he can’t just use his powers for himself. While we’ve seen Peter take on some big enemies and go through some insane situations, this issue focuses on the every day hero. He’s out there saving people on a daily basis even if it’s just from a common criminal and not a big super villain.

By helping out the neighborhood, people have grown fond of him. Although, we see that he’s still not the most beloved hero because he’s not as cool as Cap or Black Panther. Kenneth is a man who almost missed out on saying goodbye to his father, but thanks to Spider-Man, he made it just in time. Since that night, he had complete respect for him and even helped him out by tripping a bad guy. It was a nice way to bring things full circle and have him do the one thing Peter didn’t when he could have.

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This issue also had a nice artistic team with Marcos Martin and Muntsa Vicente working together again. It’s not the most detailed art at times, but some of it didn’t need to be in order to get the point across.

Dan Slott, Marcos Martin, Muntsa Vicente, Joe Caramagna. . The Amazing Spider-Man #801. B.

Overall, this was a pleasant issue for Dan Slott to end his run on. He didn’t feel the need to go out with a big issue full of action, but instead took things back to the character’s roots. I’m looking forward to what the new creative team does next month, but Slott certainly told some interesting stories in his time with Spidey.