Marvel: Best performances from 20th Century Fox movies

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9. Kelsey Grammer as Hank McCoy (Beast)

It was a shame that it took 20th Century Fox three movies before they added Hank McCoy. It’s even more of a shame that Kelsey Grammer didn’t get more than one movie. There may not be another person who personifies what Hank McCoy would sound like. Patrick Stewart may look the part perfectly, but Kelsey Grammer sounds it.

If you put fur on Frasier Crane, no one would bat an eye. He was just as intellectual as we’d want Beast to be and sound. It was especially great during the final fight scene when Beast was trying to justify fighting then went, “Oh never mind!”

Despite only being in one movie, Kelsey Grammer was one of the few bright spots in the awful movie X-Men: The Last Stand. He added everything you would expect from Hank McCoy and then some. Since Grammer was was in a fur and makeup it wouldn’t be shocking if he reprises his role as an older Hank McCoy in the future. It doesn’t hurt that he was older Hank at the end of X-Men: Days of the Future Past.